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Sustainability and UBConnect

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UBConnect is a world champion in building mobile networks – a title that comes with the responsibility of thinking about sustainability and sustainable development, as they are integral parts of this ambition.

The UN defines sustainable development as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” and calls for “concerted efforts towards building an inclusive, sustainable and resilient future for people and planet.”

As UBConnect’s mission is to build fundamental infrastructure, we believe it is our duty to adhere to the principles of sustainability and corporate social responsibility, in order to create important societal change and contribute to better health services and work-life balance, create a safer society, and reduce energy consumption and emissions.

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

UBConnect actively works on upholding UN’s Sustainable Development Goals; within the 17 Goals, we have identified 5 key ones that we directly contribute to and that are closest to our DNA, strategy and ambition:

  • Goal 9 – Industry, innovation and infrastructureE_WEB_09
    • As a market-leading provider of digital infrastructure for mobile networks in Norway we are committed to building resilient infrastructure. By creating the foundations for next-generation networks, we are connecting people and the world.
  • Goal 11 – Sustainable cities and communitiesE_WEB_11
    • 5G opens an infinite number of opportunities, combined with new technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT) and robotics. The result is a more sustainable community with climate and environmental benefits and improved safety and efficiency for citizens and businesses.
  • Goal 12 – Responsible consumption and productionE_WEB_12
    • The digital solutions we are developing help lower carbon emissions as well as resource use in all industries .


  • Goal 5 – Gender equalityE_WEB_05
    • We are committed to having equal opportunities for people of all genders.


  • Goal 8 – Decent work and economic growthE_WEB_08
    • We are committed to providing stable work and a positive environment to our employees. We are also committed to upholding adequate health and safety measures and compliances.

Sustainability Awareness week

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As sustainability is such a key part of our operation model, we have taken measures to ensure all of our employees are familiar with the core concepts related to sustainable development and corporate social responsibility; the first step we took was a week dedicated to learning, talking and raising awareness about these topics.

During this week our employees attended lectures and engaged in activities pertaining to raising awareness about sustainability, as well as making their communities more sustainable and eco-friendly; thrilling results and a high engagement rate showed that this is a topic people are passionate about.

UBConnect strongly believes in the message and the intent of sustainable development, and as such is committed to affecting change in all areas we have influence over.

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